Hi, I’m Stefanie!
I have struggled with anxiety since I was a child. I treat it in my Acupuncture practice. These are many tools that I have learned over the years to help me manage my anxiety! Happy learning, exploring and healing!
Learn simple ways to transform your anxiety every day.
This is a four week self-paced class to help give you tools to manage and reduce your anxiety. I have collected many of these tools for over twenty years.
These tools include and are not limited to, Neurosculpting ® Meditations, Acupressure, Essential Oils, Journaling and Movement.
My intention is to give you hope, and live a higher quality of life, whilst dealing with either temporary or maybe long-term anxiety.
Bonuses! There will be some meditations, yoga etc from other practitioners. Our goal is to help you find ways to regulate yourself, heal, manage your Anxiety.
Emotions aren't bad, we can learn to use them to heal ourselves, help us, not overwhelm us.
Disclaimer: We are not trained psychologists, we are seasoned Meditators, and healing practitioners. This not replace Professional Counseling.